Health Insurance Education Webinar Series

Autor: OncoLink Team
Fecha de la última revisión: October 05, 2023

Medical insurance can be so confusing! But knowing the basics of your plan and where to go for more information can help you navigate open enrollment and the pile of bills or the explanation of benefits (EOB) that may be filling your dining table. The webinars are broken into modules - watch the ones that are relevant to you.

Module topics include:

  • Health Insurance Essentials
  • Medicare A and B
  • Medicare Part D
  • Medicare Advantage Plans
  • Medigap Plans
  • The Affordable Care Act

All webinar modules are FREE and available to listen to at your convenience.

Use these worksheets to gather information about your plans:

Health Insurance Webinars (Spanish version appears below)

Health Insurance Essentials

Using to Search for Plans

Medicare A and B

Medicare Part D

Medicare Pricing Updates for 2024

Medicare Advantage

Medigap (Supplemental) Insurance Plans

Affordable Care Act (ACA)

Health Insurance Webinars (In Spanish)

Elementos esenciales del seguro de salud para personas con cáncer

Additional Resources Available

OncoLink Insurance, Legal, Employment and Financial Articles

Other Resources

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