Prevencion y deteccion
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Detección general de cáncer para hombres
Este artículo brinda una descripción general de las pruebas generales de detección de cáncer para personas con órganos masculinos, como el pene, la próstata y los testículos.
Detección general del cáncer en mujeres
Este artículo proporciona una descripción general de la detección del cáncer para personas con cáncer de mama, cuello uterino y/o útero.
¿Qué es la Quimioprevención?
La quimioprevención es el uso de un medicamento, vitamina o suplemento para detener la aparición del cáncer. Esto se usa con mayor frecuencia para las personas que tienen un alto riesgo de desarrollar cáncer.
Vaccines for Cancer Prevention
An oncogenic virus (or oncovirus) is a virus that causes cancer. These include HIV, HPV (Human Papilloma Viruses), herpes viruses, hepatitis B and C viruses, Epstein Barr Virus and retroviruses. There are vaccines available to prevent infection with HPV and Hepatitis B.
How Your Dental Visit Can Prevent or Detect Cancer
You may not think of your routine dental visit as a cancer screening test, but, in part, it is. Dentists and dental hygienists examine your mouth, tongue and surrounding tissue much more closely than you do and are most often the people who find pre-cancerous or cancerous lesions in early stages of growth.
Cancer Screening Tests: The Basics
Cancer screening tests look for cancer before a person has any symptoms. Learn more about what makes a good screening test and their limitations.
Detección Temprana del Cáncer Colorectal
Una descripción general de las pruebas de detección disponibles para el cáncer colorrectal y los pólipos.
Anal Cancer Screening for People at High Risk
Rates of anal cancer are much higher in certain populations and experts agree that routine anal cancer screening for these groups can reduce anal cancer rates.
Lung Cancer Screening
Screening for lung cancer with low-dose CT scan in people at high risk can help find cancers early and save lives.
Skin Self-Exam
A self-examination of the skin will help you check your skin and find any new changes.
Examen por tacto rectal
El tacto rectal (DRE) es un examen que se utiliza para examinar la parte inferior del recto, la próstata, la pelvis y la parte inferior del vientre para comprobar si hay cáncer.
Cervical Cancer Screening for Transmasculine or Gender Non-Conforming Individuals
Anyone with a cervix, including transmasculine and gender non-conforming individuals, may need cervical cancer screening, an important tool in preventing cervical cancer.