Ejercicio y cáncer
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Tips and Tricks to Start and Maintain Exercise
Exercise can help you deal with the side effects of cancer treatment and help you live a healthier life.
Safety and Exercise
Exercise is important at all stages of cancer treatment, but it is important to be safe while exercising. This article provides information regarding staying safe while exercising.
Chemotherapy, Hormonal Therapy & Your Bones: What is the Role of Exercise?
How exercise helps manage menopause symptoms and improves bone health.
Rehabilitación del cáncer
La rehabilitación del cáncer es un programa que puede ayudarlo a prepararse, manejar los efectos secundarios o ayudarlo a sanar después del tratamiento para el cáncer.
Fisioterapia pélvica para pacientes oncológicos
La terapia del piso pélvico es un tipo especial de fisioterapia que se usa para ayudar a controlar los efectos secundarios que afectan la vejiga, los intestinos y la función sexual.
Aerobic Exercise Program During and After Cancer Treatment
Exercising during and after cancer treatment is beneficial in a number of ways. Avoiding inactivity is crucial to your health during treatments and beyond and can help improve fatigue, quality of life, function, and assist with improving mood.
Strengthening During and After Cancer
Guide to strength exercises that can be done during or after cancer treatment to help maintain or regain muscle strength.
Ejercicios para personas con cáncer de mama
El ejercicio es importante para las pacientes que reciben tratamiento para cáncer de mama. Este artículo explica por qué es importante el ejercicio e incluye una variedad de ejercicios que puede realizar la paciente.
Síndrome de la telaraña axilar (cordones)
El síndrome de la telaraña axilar (AWS), también conocido como cordón, es cuando se desarrolla una banda fibrótica o una textura similar a una cuerda debajo de la piel. Se puede tratar con fisioterapia.
Home Exercises
Christina Lombardi, DPT PT has put together easy stretches to get you moving at home! Each stretch includes descriptive information and a video to demonstrate how to do it.
Strength Exercises
Instructions for a strength exercise training program that can be used during or after treatment.