
Autor: OncoLink Team
Fecha de la última revisión: July 30, 2024

What is a cataract?

A cataract is a clouding of the lens of the eye. It can be in one or both eyes. This clouding makes it so that less light passes through the lens of the eye, which causes blurry or foggy vision.

Cancer treatments like radiation, chemotherapy, and hormone therapy can cause cataracts. In most cases, the benefit of the cancer treatment outweighs the risk of developing a cataract. 

Common signs of a cataract are:

  • Blurring vision (this should not be painful).
  • Sensitivity to light and glare.
  • Double vision in one eye.
  • Trouble seeing at night (night vision).
  • Fading or yellowing colors.
  • Need for frequent changes in the prescription of glasses or contact lenses.

How is a cataract managed?

Cataracts can be found during a routine eye exam. If you have a history of cancer treatment, having an eye exam every year should be part of your post-cancer care. If the cataract changes your vision to the point that it interferes with normal activities, surgery to remove the cataract may be done. 

When should I call my care team?

If you have any of the symptoms of a cataract listed above, or if vision changes impact your quality of life, call your care team.

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