
Autor: OncoLink Team
Fecha de la última revisión: July 26, 2024

Adhesions are bands of scar-like tissue. They form between two surfaces making them stick together. In cancer patients, adhesions may be from surgery, radiation, or tumor spreading to nearby tissues. Bowel or gynecologic surgery puts you at a higher risk of getting adhesions. Adhesions may happen acutely (right after) or as a late effect (many months or years after) of treatment.

What are the signs of an adhesion?

Often there are no signs of adhesions. Adhesions may cause pain or bowel obstruction. Adhesions that cause a blockage of the intestines may need surgery. Adhesions that happen in the vagina after treatment can make physical exams or sexual acts painful. Talk with your provider about care after treatment.

When to Contact Your Care Team

Contact your care team if you:

  • Have belly pain after surgery that does not go away or gets worse. 
  • Cannot pass gas or bowel movements. 
  • Have nausea and vomiting that does not go away.

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