Resources for More Information: Adrenal Cancer

Autor: Christina Bach, MBE, LCSW, OSW-C
Fecha de la última revisión: December 20, 2023

You can find tips on the internet to help you during and after your cancer treatment. You want to make sure what you are reading is true. OncoLink finds these websites to be up-to-date and reliable.


Non-profit organization that supports adrenal cancer research through fundraising.

Advancing Treatment for Adrenocortical Carcinoma (ACC)

Provides resources including an ACC Facebook group for patients and caregivers to connect.

Adrenal Cancer Support

Provides educational information and support for patients coping with adrenal cancer.

Rare Cancer Alliance

Provides support, education, and online forums to connect with other patients with rare cancers.

Cancer Hope Network

Provides one-on-one peer support to people undergoing treatment for cancer and their families through matching trained volunteers who have recovered from cancer with cancer patients currently going through a similar experience.

Cancer Support Community

An international non-profit dedicated to providing support, education, and resources to people impacted by cancer. Also operates a Helpline, 1-888-793-9355.

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