Dark Skin and Skin Cancer Risk

Autor: Marisa Healy, BSN, RN
Fecha de la última revisión: December 21, 2023

People with brown or dark skin, including black, Asian, Latino, and Native American people may think they are not at risk for skin cancer because they do not "tan." People with darker skin have a lower risk of skin cancer but there is still a risk. They are also more likely to die of the disease than someone with fair skin due to later diagnosis and treatment. Bob Marley is one example of a well-known, dark-skinned person who died of melanoma.

Dark skin is better at protecting itself from the sun than light skin, but it can become hyperpigmented (areas of darker color) and develop skin cancer. Experts say that this is especially true after an outbreak of acne, eczema, or any other inflammatory skin problems. Dermatologists suggest that darker-skinned people should use sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher every day. Having said this, melanomas in darker-skinned people actually tend to happen in areas that are not exposed to the sun, such as the buttocks, genitals, the bottom of the feet, and under the fingernails or toenails. This is one reason these cancers may go undiagnosed- they don't start in the usual skin cancer areas.

A thorough skin check should be done regularly and include all parts of the body (including the scalp and other areas under hair, in between toes and fingers, nails, and soles/palms of the feet and hands). This is something you can do yourself or with a partner. The American Academy of Dermatology has a helpful guide to performing a skin exam.

If you have dark skin, talk with your healthcare provider about your risk of skin cancer, ways you can help prevent it, and be sure to keep up with your yearly dermatologist appointment.

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