Chapter 10: Dreams are Crushed

Autor: Christine Mulvihill
Fecha de la última revisión: December 17, 2020

HEY guys,

Omg I miss you all so much. I can't believe this happened, I'm still so shocked! I've never ever had anything like this happen before, but please don't worry, I'm going to be okay.

I'm not sure what Rachel has told you but Tuesday morning I woke up and had a seizure. I was totally freaked out and I had two more seizures following the first one. After my CAT SCAN and MRI the doctors discovered I have a brain tumor, which caused my seizures. I really don't want you guys to worry about me, I should be fine. I'm on medication and I'm home for a while. After my CAT

A Childhood Cancer Survivor Story
© 2016 Christine Mulvihill

Scan on Thursday they will be sure what kind of tumor it is, they think it is lymphoma, but unless the tumor shrinks by Thursday they will have to do a biopsy. If they must do a biopsy then they might have to cut my hair off. I don't know if it is because of the head tests but my hair is already a couple of inches shorter.

But I really don't want you guys to worry about me, I will be fine if the tumor shrinks by Thursday then I can start radiation soon and start getting better. I feel so bad that I can't see you guys, I miss you all soo much. I'm so sad that I can't see you guys, I miss camp already. I'm soo disappointed that I won't be there. I really hope that I can see you all really soon, I hope you guys have fun at camp Aren. Without me, tell Alex I'm sorry I won't get to see him but as soon as I get better I will come to Toronto and I'll visit all of you. If I'm lucky I won't have to go through chemotherapy and treatment will only take about 9 months and I can go to school most of the time. I think as long as I take my medication and relax then I should be okay.

I don't want to upset you guys and I hope you will have a great time at camp. Call me from camp if you guys get the chance, I want to talk to you guys and make sure you send me lots of pictures, you all better have fun and pass level 3 for me. Well you guys better have a good time, I want lots of stories when you get back. Remember, be as Christian as possible and don't let Jill push you around, gets old man!

Well I better get going, the med is making me sleepy and my arms are so bruised from needles you'd think I was a battered orphan.

Remember Kids Play Safe!
Luv ya all!
Baby C 4 life


Dreams are Crushed

A Childhood Cancer Survivor Poem
© 2016 Christine Mulvihill

The sun rises and then it falls into night
People you love get into fights,
The day starts and the day ends
Society is cruel and you lose friends,
Dreams are crushed by the reality of life
The truth about love stabs like a knife,
People live and people die
Once in a while everyone cries.

Innocent lives are ruined by warfare
One greedy person’s action the outcome we share,
Children become people of their own
Rebelling and running from their broken home,
No one sees better than the eyes of a child
Curious mind tender and mild,
They show us how not to live in vein,
Their innocence shelters them from the world of pain,
Children grow up and children die
Once in a while everyone cries.

The sun rises and then it falls into night
People you love get into fights,
The day starts and the day ends
Society is cruel and you lose friends,
Dreams are crushed by the reality of life
The truth about love stabs like a knife,
People live and people die
Once in a while everyone cries.

The world is overtaken by the perfect face
Artificial glamour from place to place,
One imperfection is one too many
You’re not beautifully till you don’t have any,
Big brown eyes and flawless skin
Unless you’re Brittany Spears you won’t get in,
Society has no time for real people and their flaws
So what should happen to this lost cause?
All this pressure to be what no one can be
To be a part of this vision I can’t see,
If people are killed because of differences then who lives?
Different People are born and different people die
Once in a while everyone cries.

The sun rises and then it falls into night
People you love get into fights,
The day starts and the day ends
Society is cruel and you lose friends,
Dreams are crushed by the reality of life
The truth about love stabs like a knife,
People live and people die
Once in a while everyone cries.

When the sun rises it falls in shame
Even it is sick of this game,
The world is greedy with popularity and wealth
Anywhere I go I’ll get there myself,
Kids who rebel, suffer inside they suffer alone
Just pleading for attention, they don’t get at home,
Nobody sees how imperfect we are
Pressures in life leave a permanent scar,
How can I be more than I am
I can’t be anyone but me
And I’m not perfect as you can see,
I was born who I am and I’ll die the same
No matter what you do that will never change,
People are born people die
Once in a while everyone cries.

The sun rises and then it falls into night
People you love get into fights,
The day starts and the day ends
Society is cruel and you lose friends,
Dreams are crushed by the reality of life
The truth about love stabs like a knife,
People live and people die
Once in a while everyone cries.

I could cry a river of all the pain
Build a bridge to get to the same place again,
I could cry for depression, family, and crappy weather
But even I know I can’t cry forever
People live and people die
Once in a while everyone cries,
I could preach forever how it stabs like a knife
But I’ve learned the hard way, that’s people, that’s life.


Other poems of interest for Dreams are Crushed:


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Chapter 11: Because I Have Faith

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