Lung Cancer Webucation Program

Autor: Suzanne Walker, CRNP, MSN, AOCN, BC and Christina Bach, MBE, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
Fecha de la última revisión: August 22, 2023

Welcome to Lung Cancer Webucation! These videos will help you learn about lung cancer, its diagnosis, staging, potential treatments and side effects. In addition, it will address coping with cancer (practical, emotional & family issues), coping with the stigma of lung cancer, and concerns surrounding work, insurance and disability. We hope this will answer many questions you have and help you think of other questions to discuss with your healthcare team. We also encourage you to share this video with friends and family who want to know about what you are going through.

Click on the links below for part 1 and part 2 of the presentation.

Lung Cancer Webucation Part I: Lung Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment

Suzanne Walker, PhD, CRNP, AOCN, BC

An introduction to the types of lung cancer, and how they are diagnosed and treated.


Lung Cancer Webucation Part 2: Coping with Lung Cancer

Christina Bach, MBE, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C

Tips for coping with the psychosocial issues surrounding a lung cancer diagnosis and treatment.

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