Alternative Medicine for Dummies

Autor: James Metz, MD
Contribuidor de contenido: Abramson Cancer Center of the University of Pennsylvania
Fecha de la última revisión: November 01, 2001

Author: James Dillard, MD and Terra Ziporyn, PhD
Publisher: IDG Books Worldwide, INC
ISBN: 0-7645-5109-4
Price: $19.99 USA
OncoLink Rating:

In the spirit of other "Dummies Books", Alternative Medicine for Dummies is a straightforward, no-nonsense guide to unconventional medical treatments. Although it is not specifically targeted to the cancer patient, the book is an excellent reference for those who are considering treatments that are not conventional. The book is easy to read and written for the individual without a medical background.

The authors have created an interesting, information filled book that can be used as a reference or read cover to cover. James Dillard, MD is a physician, chiropractor, acupuncturist and medical director for Oxford Health Plan's Alternative Medicine program. He has been featured in numerous publications and television programs. Terra Ziporyn, Ph.D. is a former associate editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association who has specialized in making science and medicine accessible to the public.

Not only does the book address specific unconventional treatments, but it teaches the reader to critically evaluate those techniques that are not discussed. There is an emphasis on safety throughout the book. It helps the reader separate those techniques that offer benefits from those that may be hoaxes. The book is loaded with tables, charts, and graphs that make it easy to obtain information at a glance. Icons are used throughout the book to emphasize important points.

There is a short section that addresses the use of unconventional medical treatments by cancer patients. Some safe complementary treatments are recommended. The authors state "If you have?or think you have?any form of cancer, your first line of attack is to see a conventional doctor?no ifs, ands, or buts about it." Overall, the authors make reasonable and safe recommendations.

Alternative Medicine for Dummies is highly recommended by OncoLink for anyone who is considering the use of unconventional medical treatments.

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