No More Bad-Hair Days: A Woman's Journey Through Cancer, Chemotherapy and Coping
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Author: Susan Sturges Hyde |
In the spirit of publications such the ever-popular "Instruction Book" series, No More Bad Hair Days is a collection of statements that helpthe reader deal with life after a diagnosis of cancer. The book will be an inspiration to all who read it. It consists of a collection of statementsthat are humorous, touching, and informative. No More Bad Hair Days is loaded with practical advice for the cancer patient. Although it wasdirected at women receiving chemotherapy, any cancer patient will enjoy reading this book. It is also highly recommended for friends, family,and health care providers.
The author, Susan Hyde was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 1996. She arranged her thoughts on paper throughout her diagnosis, surgery,chemotherapy, and recovery. A friend suggested that these thoughts should be compiled in a book for others to benefit from her experiencesand unique insight.
No More Bad Hair Days is one of those books that cancer patients will want to keep by their nightstand, in their purse or briefcase, and intheir hearts all at once. If there is a "must read" for cancer patients, this is the one book. It is highly recommended by OncoLink.