Cancer SOS: Strategies of Survival, A Guidebook For Women With Cancer

Autor: James Metz, M.D.
Contribuidor de contenido: Abramson Cancer Center of the University of Pennsylvania
Fecha de la última revisión: November 01, 2001

Author: Rose Welsh and Shirley Grandahl
Publisher: Alba Publishing, Inc.
ISBN: 0-9660057-5-9
OncoLink Rating:

Cancer S.O.S. has been written based on the personal experiences of two cancer survivors. Rose Walsh has been diagnosed with both breast cancer and ovarian cancer and has experienced multiple surgeries and chemotherapy. Shirley Grandahl was diagnosed with Acute Myelogenous Leukemia in 1991 and received intensive chemotherapy treatments. They have written this book to help women who have been recently diagnosed with cancer. The book is based on their extensive experiences with the medical profession and various treatments.

Cancer S.O.S. addresses topics important to every newly diagnosed cancer patient including understanding cancer, choosing a physician, and dealing with side effects of treatment. The book contains worksheets to help the reader through the confusing medical process. The worksheets can be helpful, but some are very detailed and may cause the reader to dwell on small details instead of understanding the big picture. The authors define confusing medical terms throughout the book that the reader may face when dealing with the diagnosis of cancer. There is an excellent section explaining different tests and procedures with "Rose and Shirley's Discomfort Scale" for each test. The authors include an appendix section with a wealth of resources and a glossary of medical terms.

This is definitely a ?no holds barred' look at their personal experiences; some good, some bad. It is an opinionated book that encourages the cancer patient to take charge of her medical care. The authors' have created a book that combines practical information, encouragement, and a little humor to help the newly diagnosed cancer patient.

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