Sharing the Final Journey - Walking with the Dying

Autor: Leonard A. Farber, M.D.
Contribuidor de contenido: University of Pennsylvania Medical Center
Fecha de la última revisión: March 11, 2010

Author: Norma Wylie, R.N., M.S.N.
ISBN 0-88999-608-3

"...stories of people, with lives and friends, and dreamsand fears. That is the focus of this book, and from these stories welearn of life as well as death."
-in foreword by Dr. Jock Murray

The above quotation from Dr. Jock Murray, Professor of MedicalHumanities at Dalhousie University, found both in the foreword as wellas on the back cover, provides the essence of "Sharing the FinalJourney" by Norma Wylie. The book is divided into detailed truestories related to living and dying. Each "storyteller" gives anintimate account, sharing their emotions as they travel with a lovedone along the journey of death.

The stories contained within the book, detail the emotionalsituations of Randy, Jack, George, Nan, Gary, Esther, and Ann.Conveying both the sorrow of dying and the joy of celebrating life,they are inspirational, and provide a direction to assist in givingcompassion and encouragement to those with terminal illness. Inaddition, each account stresses the importance of relaying the truthin a painful situation, and how to applaud the beauty of life.

A Professor Emerita of Surgery and Medical Humanities at SouthernIllinois University, Norma Wylie, R.N., M.S.N. produced thiscollection of tales of the human experience with two associates,Terrill Mast and Jay Kennerly. Together, the authors highlight thesignificance of implementing death with dignity in a lovingenvironment with their family and friends, collectively playing a rolein the natural process of life and death.

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