New Year A Time For Wishing

Autor: Bob Riter
Contribuidor de contenido: Cancer Resource Center of the Finger Lakes
Fecha de la última revisión: January 12, 2011

Bob and Queenie

At New Year's, we're supposed to make resolutions to change our own behavior in the months to come. I think it's more fun to wave a magic wand and change the behavior of everyone else.

Here's what I wish for in 2011:

  • I wish that people with cancer weren't beaten over the head with the importance of positive thinking.
  • I wish that people with lung cancer didn't get blamed for their cancer.
  • I wish that receptionists in every doctor's office smiled and made eye contact with everyone.
  • I wish that more family members asked the patient what the patient wanted and didn't assume what the patient wanted.
  • I wish that new cancer drugs producing modest benefits weren't marketed as major breakthroughs with exorbitant prices.
  • I wish that all journal articles emerging from medical research funded by the government were made available online, without charge, to the public.
  • I wish that exercise and nutrition received more attention in cancer prevention, treatment and recovery.
  • I wish that people dealing with cancer didn't have to worry about how to pay for it.
  • I wish that the relatives, friends and neighbors of people newly diagnosed with cancer refrained from giving advice (except when requested).
  • I wish that the prevention of cancer received the same attention and funding as the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.
  • I wish that everyone with cancer took the time to thank their loved ones for always being there.
  • I wish that people didn't assume that the most aggressive cancer treatment was always the best cancer treatment.
  • I wish that every cancer patient understood that reality and hope aren't mutually exclusive.

I don't have a magic wand, but I will keep wishing.

Bob is the Executive Director of theCancer Resource Center. His articles about living with cancer appear regularly in the Ithaca Journal. He can be reached at[email protected]

Reprinted with Permission ofthe Ithaca Journal
Original publication date: January 8, 2011.

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