Diabetes and Cancer

Autor: Debra DeMille, MS, RD, LDN and Caroline Meehan RDN, CSOWM, LDN, CDCES
Fecha de la última revisión: April 02, 2023

In this webinar, Debra DeMille MS, RD, LDN and Caroline Meehan RDN, LDN, CDCES explain what a healthy diet is for people who have diabetes and cancer.

Diabetes and Cancer

Debra DeMille, MS, RD, LDN, received her B.S. degree from the Univerisity of Illinois in Nutrition and Dietetics in 1982 and a master's degree in Health Administration from St. Joseph's University in 1992. She has worked at Pennsylvania Hospital for over 30 years and specifically with Pennsylvania Hospital's Abramson Cancer Center for 20 years. Debra is a frequent guest speaker at oncology conferences and has provided nutrition education to community groups and cancer specific patient support groups. Her primary specialty is oncology nutrition for individuals with head and neck cancer where she works closely with the multi-disciplinary team including physicians, nurse practitioners, speech language pathologists and physical therapists. Debra has also been conducting cooking classes on seasonal cooking for over 15 years. Debra not only has a personal interest in nutrition but also maintains an herb and vegetable garden when the season is right.

Caroline Meehan is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist at Pennsylvania Hospital with experience in cancer care and medical nutrition therapy. Caroline enjoys writing, reading, and talking all things nutrition and health, whether it be debunking the latest diet fad or discussing the latest in nutrition science research. In her free time, Caroline is typically cooking or baking, and spending time outside, exploring Philadelphia and beyond.

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