Resources for More Information: Nutrition During Treatment

Autor: Christina Bach, MBE, LCSW, OSW-C, FAOSW
Fecha de la última revisión: December 18, 2023

You can find tips on the internet to help you during and after your cancer treatment. You want to make sure what you are reading is true. OncoLink finds these websites to be up-to-date and reliable.

NCI Eating Hints: Before, During and After Cancer Treatment: Information and recipes to help people with cancer meet their needs for good nutrition before, during, and after treatment.

NCI: Overview of Nutrition in Cancer Care: Information about proper nutrition, who can help you manage your diet issues during treatment, and side effects that can be caused by treatment.

American Cancer Society: Nutrition for People with Cancer: Nutrition is an important part of cancer treatment. Eating the right kinds of foods during and after treatment can help you feel better and stay stronger. Learn more about the importance of good nutrition during and after cancer treatment here.

American Institute for Cancer Research: Provides a wealth of information about the links between diet, exercise, and cancer prevention as well as information for people before, during, and after cancer treatment.

Oley Foundation: provides support, education, and resources for managing tube feeding and in-home intravenous nutrition.

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