Genitourinary Side Effects
GU side effects are those that affect your urinary system and include incontinence, proteinuria, nocturia, dysuria, hematuria, cystitis, bladder fibrosis, urinary urgency and urine discoloration.
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Urinary Retention
Urinary retention is the inability to urinate or to fully empty the bladder.
Bladder Fibrosis
Bladder fibrosis is the medical term used to describe scarring and hardening of the tissue in the bladder.
Cystitis (Inflammation of the Bladder)
Cystitis is the medical term used to describe inflammation of the bladder.
Dysuria (Pain with Urinating)
Dysuria is pain or burning when urinating or having trouble urinating.
Hematuria (Blood in the Urine)
Hematuria is the medical term used when there is blood in your urine.
Information about urinary incontinence after cancer and tips for managing this side effect and performing Kegel exercises.
Nicturia (micción nocturna)
La nicturia es despertarse una o más veces por la noche para orinar.
Proteinuria (Protein in the Urine)
Proteinuria is when you have more protein in your urine than you should.
Urgencia (necesidad urgente de orinar)
La urgencia urinaria es una necesidad urgente e infrecuente de orinar.
Urine Discoloration
Urine discoloration is a change in the color of urine.